ArtJuice Podcast - Where are you on the Artist's Path?

Perhaps we will never how, or if, or when we inspire other people. The truth is that we inspire others every day - even those we don't know or may never meet. 

So you can imagine my surprise when I heard my name being mentioned on my favourite art podcast Art Juice, during a long drive and recent bumper catch up listening session in the car. I nearly drove off the road! 

Art Juice is run by two thoroughly inspiring abstract artists, Alice Sheridan, and Louise Fletcher, who are, in turn, inspiring many others artists. It’s fun and humorous and filled with helpful insights about art and life. I quite often find myself laughing out loud when listening.  

I'm a member of Alice's Connected Artist Club which is chock full of tools and best practices for running your artist career (which I highly recommend).

Alice and Louise discuss the membership club, and Louise's Find Your Joy membership in this episode, episode 188: "Where are you on The Artist's Path?"

So thanks Alice, for the mention. Next time I'll be sure to listen in the studio and not while driving!

Note: I should mention that Alice’s refers to me as Trudy Montgomery, which is my maiden name and how I have been previously known.

Trudie Tara Moulton

Abstract Artist and Creativity Mentor

Abstract Thinking


On The Cover: DRIFT Magazine