7 Ways To Tap In To Your Creativity

Why do some of us think “I’m not creative” or say, “I don’t have an artistic bone in my body”?

I believe everyone is creative. Even those of us who think we’re not. Being creative is an integral part of being human. It’s not just in some of us, it’s in ALL of us.

Perhaps we say these things because we forget to exercise our creativity as if it is a muscle? I don’t think it’s a case of use-it-or-lose-it, however, as I believe our creativity is always ‘there’ and available. It’s not hard to access our creativity, but it is work. It’s a process of discovery and learning about ourselves. And it’s a very exciting journey, because on it, you start to tap into your own intuition and to hear your inner guidance more strongly. 

We all have an inner compass which uniquely guides us through our lives, but often our education and societal norms teach us not to trust our intuition or even down out the inner knowings we have. 

How is this related to Creativity?

Creativity is an expression of our authentic self, and so being able to express our authentic self requires us to be able to hear and listen to our inner promptings. They maybe soft at first, but with practice they become louder and stronger and you become more certain of them and learn to recognise and trust them. 

Following your inner guidance in your art helps you make more authentic art that’s uniquely you. 

What exactly is Creativity? 

Creativity is a direct hook up with Spirit or your Source connection or Higher Self. 

When you start creating, you travel along the pathway to your Higher Self and by walking this repeatedly you exercise the muscle of intuition so you become more intuitive, you trust what you receive on the inner plane because it uniquely applies to you, your circumstances and this particular time. 

Your intuition is a well spring of personalised information unique to you at any one time. It doesn’t apply to anyone else. No one outside you can verify its merit so there is no point going around checking it out to see what everyone else thinks of your advice. It will make no sense to them and it is not supposed to. It’s yours! So keep it to yourself. And ACT on it. 

When you act on your intuition, things fall into place with ease. Serendipity occurs. You’re in the right place at the right time. And the Divine starts working through you. There’s a quality of magic about it - a magic that allows everything to work out far better than you could have imagined for yourself. 

The Inner Compass of Intuition guides you through life. Your job is to check it and pay attention. 

So, how do you check your inner compass? AKA, 7 ways to tap into your creativity:

7 Ways to Tap into your Creativity

1. Be Still

Be quiet. Spend time alone. In nature. Shoes off / feet on the grass or sand.

2. Set An Intention

Our intention underpins everything. It calls forward that which you intend. Humans have free will but often we don’t use it wisely. A good way to start this is to practice imagining: Wouldn’t it be good if X or Y happened?

You can imagine your intention is surrounded in a bubble and watch it float out into the universe to attract its like. Holding on too tight, or being attached to the outcome is a sure fire way to stifle its creative potential.

Just set an intention that it will come to you and let it go.

3. ASK

The universal law of Ask And You Will Receive can only be activated once you, well, ask. Often, we are not taught that we can ask for anything we want, or we just forget to actually ask.

Someone once told me, “There’s a lot of unemployment on the intuitive plane!” Your guides can’t help unless you ask them to. They need your will and intention to bring something in or to release something. So ask.

4. Ask To Be Of Service

Give your commitment and speak from the heart. When we make this kind of commitment to the universe, we set in motion a whole new direction and call in opportunities to help others.

5. Write

Do the Morning Pages just as Julia Cameron invites us to in The Artist’s Way. A few months ago I revisited these and have now made them part of my daily routine. So first thing in the morning, I creep out of bed to write in long hand with pen and paper for 45 minutes to an hour.

This time has become sacred. I am not a mummy or a wife, a boss or at the beck and call of anyone else and it’s bliss.

I have discovered a wisdom within these pages that speaks back to me when I ask, “What should I do next about X?” It’s written this blog post, helped me with priorities and got me unstuck when I felt overwhelmed with a creative block.

I’d love to share my favourite 21 Creativity Journal Prompts with you to stimulate your creativity — you can sign up to receive these here.

6. Weed Out All That’s Inauthentic

What needs to fall away now? Relationships, striving, resistance? A friend recently cut off all her hair - a radical move, perhaps - but what she noticed is how people changed mourned her as a result.

Some (her friends) embraced it and acknowledged her courage, while others were just a little cooler towards her; she didn’t fit the norm anymore. She feels the change is liberating - and can see more clearly who she wants to spend more - or less — time with.

You may not need to go this radical, but ask yourself, ‘what can I let go of it release that is no longer serving my best interests?’ .

7. Trust Your Intuition

Your gut feel, a hunch, is your intuition at play. It’s designed to give you personal instructions customised just for you, and no one else. It’s the small voice which gives you a nudge, a hint, a thought unconnected to anything else.

Sometimes you can tell it’s not even your thought, it’s received. “It just popped into my head!” That’s it. Follow it.

Later, we often say, “I knew that!” or “I wish I’d done that,” because we felt a niggle to take action earlier which we ignored. Hindsight tells us we missed an opportunity or we get a hunch and a chance the second time around to do something - perhaps an inspiration, a thought or an idea that seems to come from somewhere else.

That’s when we find ourselves bumping into an old friend ‘by coincidence’ or being in the right place at the right time.

If you’re interested in exploring your creativity in more depth, contact me about 121 Mentoring

Trudie Tara Moulton

Abstract Artist and Creativity Mentor


On The Cover: DRIFT Magazine


Colours of Intuition